If you’re not having fun, then I’m not doing my job correctly.
By surpassing their needs through outstanding client service, faster turnaround time, dedication, and professionalism
Above and beyond
I love what I do, and always go above and beyond for my clients.
Innovative & customisable solutions
The job I do today I will always try to make better than yesterday.
“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”
About Bob Gloyn
Where it all started
I remember the exact moment as a young kid, that I picked up a camera. I remember it was a fantastic feeling. I remember walking down the dirt road at my Grandmothers farm, looking for something other than the cows to photograph. I remember taking a photo of my Grandmothers old farm house. For some reason I felt that I had to turn the camera 45 degrees to take the best shot. Even at that age and stage in my life of creating photographs, I had the urge to do it my way. To create something different than everyone else. Remember this was in the 60’s, it was a black and white film camera and was probably one of my first handful of photos ever taken. It was when that photo was developed, and I looked at it, shared it with my family, that my love for photography really began. I still have it and still look at it to today. Its simple. It was easy. It reminds me of where it started for me and who I am.